The success of a project is usually determined well in advance of working on a job site. This advanced planning is called pre-construction.
Pence Construction’ s staff are experienced in this advanced planning process. Each job depends on many items….. site selection, utility availability and of course budgeting. All of these important factors need to be considered even before drawings begin. Pence Construction can help with all of these important items and more so that you the owner can make sound financial decisions.
Project Management
In today’s world, building and planning can be very complex- City and County requirements are.
Building and planning codes are more specific and more demanding of contractors, architects and engineers.
Energy efficiency is more important now than ever. And many businesses are challenged to find the correct solution to their expanding building and site needs. Pence Construction has a construction management team of fully qualified professionals to assist with project planning, budgeting, scheduling, construction and project close out. Our experienced staff has the necessary tools to help owners navigate regulatory requirements, site selection, contractor review and selection, and cost analysis at each step of a project.